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[8/28/2024 ]  International Business Forum of Property -in St Petersburg



The Russian Embassy has conveyed to Mr. Sarraf the attached letter from the President of the “Russian Union of Builders” inviting Lebanese companies working in investment, construction and real estate sectors to participate in the VIII International Business Forum of Property which will take place in St Petersburg on September 25-26, 2024.


As such, we are forwarding you this message attached (translation in English starts from page 9) in case you are interested in taking part yourself, or disseminating among your esteemed members who might be interested in this event.


We remain at your disposal for anything further,


Best Regards


Rola Sleiman

External Relations Manager
External Relations Department
Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Beirut & Mount Lebanon

Tel : 961-1-353190
Fax : 961-1-353395




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